Saturday, June 15, 2024

Hats Off To Michael Cargill of Central Texas Gun Works

 Subsequent to the Trump administration's ban on bump stock with the ATF falsely claiming they turned a rifle into an automatic weapon, and that bump stocks themselves were machine guns (source), Michael Cargill, the owner of  Central Texas Gun Works in Austin, TX filed a lawsuit against the federal government to fight the ban. Well, on Friday June 14, 2024 - the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) found the ban to be unconstitutional by a 6-3 vote ( more at the source). This is not only excellent news relative to bump stocks but will likely become extremely important case law in future cases of all sorts in which a government agenc (like the ATF) attempts to write the laws themselves which is in sum & substance what ATF (a member of the executive branch of government actually did relative to bump stocks. Only the Congress can legislate new federal laws and much of the findings in this case if not all of them were based upon that Constitutional restriction on the government. So, ATF and other federal agencies will not be able to change or create federal law relative to anything.
Thus I imagine the pistol brace ban will also be found unconstitutional. Other devices banned by ATF such as a trigger crank - once popular for rifles like the Ruger 10/22 may also be found to fall under this SCOTUS ruling and thus become legal again.
I think all gun owners owe Michael Cargill a lot of thanks. In fact I went to his business web site intending to send him a thank you message but the Contact Us capability on that site is temporarily out of service. I am guessing because many folks must have overwhelmed it with thank you messages. Anyway, if you want to try to send him a message, this is his business website address: Listen to what Mr. Cargill says about it here.
Now for the sharks to smell the blood in the water and file a class action lawsuit against the government for all those who followed the law and destroyed their personally owned bump stocks by order of the Constitution violating ATF.

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