Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Out Of All My Christmas Presents Ever...

 ...this one is the most unique, at least for me. You may have seen in one or more of my posts that I sometimes do not know what day it is. That's because unless I have an appointment, I do not usually need to know. I am retired so I do not need to know if it is a day I need to go to work (ha ha hardy ha ha), I do not need to know when it's laundry day, I do not need to know its the weekend (every day can be whatever day I want so every day can be Saturday or Sunday), being retired and not having many 'which day is it dependent obligations' means I do not care what day it is for the great majority of the time. I do try to remember when the liquor store is open (closed Sundays) and when it's Tuesday now & then so I can get Sonic's two for the price of one cheeseburgers but there is not much more when it comes to me needing to know what day of the week I am in and I often just do not know.
Now if a question arises as to which day it is, for whatever reason I need to know, I look at my cell phone to find out. Now though, I have a new way to figure out what day is taking place. 

One of my brothers-in-law sent me a wall clock. This one has a twist, it is not marked off in hours & minutes. Instead of hours and minutes it is marked off in days of the week. I don't know if this clock will be a curse or a blessing but I almost certainly will now readily know which day I am in. It was nice not knowing because I don't need to know but really except for knowing what day it is, this clock changes nothing. I love it.
All the best,
Glenn B


Backwoods Okie said...

I'm there also. I call it "Being on Indian time" Eat ,sleep or whatever there is that's on the agenda

John in Philly said...

I might have to put that up to my Retirement Clock.

The Retirement Clock has only three arcs, the top arc is labeled "Today" the other arcs are labeled "Yesterday" on the anti-clockwise side of "Today", and the final arc is labeled "Tomorrow" and it is on the clockwise side of "Today."
The best part of it is that the single hand never ever moves from the center of "Today."!