Sunday, November 12, 2023

North Korea Recalling Embassy Personnel Around The World...

...and closing down their embassies. Some seem to think it's due to an economic crisis in North Korea (more at the source). I can think of another reason they'd want to recall embassy personnel a much more gloomy reason at that. They may be preparing for the imminent outbreak of WW III. You may think me saying so qualifies me as an arsehat or a a doomsayer but let's face reality folks - we in the United States of America are sitting on a virtual and very unstable powder keg that has fires raging all around it. If you don't see that being a very real and somewhat probable outcome of the current world situation, I think you are blind. Let me tell you why I think so:
President Biden - the weakest most bumbling, inept president of my lifetime and I have been around since the nineteen fifties. 
Kamala Harris - a joke as a vice president.
The changes/ threat to the security of the United States created by President Biden, his handlers (be assured that mentally decrepit man has handlers and he has essentially admitted to such many times). The security threats created by him & his administration during his time in the White House include:
-the depletion almost half of the U.S. Strategic Oil Reserves (source, that source is Politico which is considered left-center but I consider them to be democrat apologists - you can see why if you read the entire article in which they admit Biden has lowered the reserve to the lowest since 1983 and then they try to tell you, in essence, that's alright. The thing is, if WW III breaks out the amount that has been depleted may become totally disabling for us.)
-the wanton disregard for the sovereignty of this nation as seen in Biden opening up the U.S. borders to illegal aliens entering our country in all time record numbers and then him letting them remain in country. I just heard a radio report a few days ago about 200 aliens on the terrorist watch list who were captured trying to enter the U.S. illegally (not as a single group). How many do you think entered undetected or even detected but who got away. In addition fentanyl seizures around the country are at record highs with enough of it being seized  in total to wipe out the populations of at least a few states. Imagine 20 kilos dumped in a reservoir for a city like NY or Dallas! Who knows what military weapons may also have been brought in during the tsunami of illegal entries. And who did Biden appoint as Border Czar but the laughing hyena Kamala Harris - I think she is the worst incoherent babbling twit I have even seen or heard anywhere.
-the depletion of U.S. military weaponry and other military equipment. That started pretty much during the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan. it was estimated by the U.S. Department of Defense (part of Biden's own administration) that over seven (7) billion dollars worth of U.S. military equipment including weapons & aircraft were left behind when the U.S. pulled out of Afghanistan (according to CNN a very liberal source but seemingly on the money with this article).  Read that whole report, what was left behind is mind boggling and most certainly is a strategic loss for our military readiness. Add to that all of the military weaponry and equipment the Biden administration has sent to Ukraine and that Biden publicly announced shortages pertaining to our military weaponry thus informing our enemies Russia, China. Iran, North Korea and other countries of where we are lacking. On top of all that the Biden administration keeps pumping BILLIONS of our dollars into Ukraine while inflation here is killing our economy; in fact it's been more than 75 billion dollars worth of aide to Ukraine. Almost one third of what Biden sent to Ukraine has been in the form of 23.5 billion dollars worth of military weapons and equipment taken from U.S. Department of Defense stock - in other words taken away from our own armed forces (more at this source)! Read the article at that last source because it give a breakdown of each type of weapon and how many we have given to Ukraine to fight Russian aggression. These would be weapons we'd sorely miss should WW III erupt or even if we merely get involved in a regional conflict much as we are currently doing in the Middle East right now. Yes the timer is ticking on the fuse to that powder keg, ticktock-ticktock-tick-BOOM.
I supplied some links for you to be able to see my sources, but this is all pretty much common knowledge to anyone who has been paying attention. That would be as in paying attention to what is going that has weakened our country as caused by Biden & the Biden Administration and rather than wondering how many wine glasses fit on a Kardashian's behind. By now, if you are unaware how much Biden has weakened us militarily, economically and with regard to our strategic oil reserves - to the point we quite possibly could not withstand a military attack on our own soil; well, you must have your head buried far up your own arse. If you think a big war is not a very real & a somewhat probable possibility that is becoming more probable each day with what is going on in Ukraine, the Middle east and with China having been building its war machine for decades completely unfettered and with the Chinese actually running illegal police departments in the USA and because you consider yourself a maven of all things Geo-political - well then all I can say is think of Japan prior to WW II and then how they sucked us into it with the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor that dragged us into that conflict. Our nation was the most industrial nation in the world at that time and we had a very hard time recuperating from that devastating attack on our Pacific fleet. Today what industry do we have that is not in the great part dependent upon imports from Red China! Relatively speaking - almost none is the answer. China pretty much runs the world economy right now (source) - they may not have the strongest economy but soon will if Biden continues to support current ties with them,
The truth is, if our enemies had planned it this way - they could not have weakened our defenses better with any other president at the helm than Joe Biden (or in the event of his demise than Kamala Harris).
Someone will have to tell me again how the North Koreans pulling their personnel out of embassies worldwide is only related to a crisis in their economy (their economy already has been in crisis for decades) and is not possibly a prelude to another world war.  I hope not but if it happens, I hope we are more ready that I believe we are ready after reading about how that bumbling buffoon in the White House has set us up for a terrible defeat.

I guess I forgot to mention one important thing - what Sleepy Joe has done for morale in out Military & Civil Services. Joe Biden calling the bravest people he ever met to be so called transgender types who in reality are male & female impersonators of the natural thing. Way to go Joe - nice boost to the morale of America's military personnel and other first responders. I swear, if Trump goes to prison - he'll still get my vote unless he endorses someone else and there are few if any who could fill his shoes. There is no way President Trump would get us into this black and bloody mire as Biden had done. Hell Biden has all but invited the Dire Wolf Into our country to murder us all.
So, while we may not actually get involved in WW III any time soon, Joe Biden has done almost nothing of any real value to keep our nation prepared and just about everything to weaken it. As for me, I am preparing for calamity as best I can – just in case. As I’ve said before, I liked one thing about the Boy Scouts of America – their motto – Be Prepared.
All the best,
Glenn B 


danielbarger said...

Without a dramatic shift in the way things are going..,and I see nothing on the horizon to cause such a shift, WWIII is a virtual certainty. Just a matter of timing.

riverrider said...

can't argue against anything you said. i would add the THREE failed nuclear tests recently, which they invited the enemy to watch our failures. like here's what we got, don't worry just come on in... pop a couple of emp weapons, let the die-off go on a couple of months, walk right in offering the survivors food for loyalty. no more usa, ever. at this point i have quit prepping. there's just no hope whatsoever of surviving it except as a slave and i'm too old to be of much use to them.