Sunday, July 17, 2016

Has A War Against The Police Begun...

...or maybe it is a race war? It certainly seems to be a fact that the group Black Lives Matter has gotten what many of it members have been calling for and that is the death of police officers. First five gunned down dead in Dallas and now at least two killed today and several others shot in Baton Rouge (source). The video is reportedly actual coverage of the shooting as it took place.

If it is another black shooter, following the apparent racist agenda of Black Lives Matter or in any way claiming to support them, then I must arrive at the conclusion that it is at the very least a war against police officers. If all of the shot officers were white and were targeted not only because they were police officers but because of their race, then I will have to think it is also a race war. If the latter, I think that civilians taking certain precautions may be in order and I do mean civilians of all races because none of the law abiding citizenry needs to get caught up in these racially driven anti-law enforcement hate crimes. Of course, as far as the police go, they need to take those precautions every day that they go to work, it is the nature of the job as always being potentially dangerous; although lately, it seems much more so.

Thoughts and prayers going out to the officers and their families.

Update 07/17/16 at 2:29PM: It is now being reported that three officers were killed and another three were injured (source). One suspect reported dead, and up to two others being sought (source).

All the best,
Glenn B

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