Saturday, September 12, 2015

Kilted To Kick Cancer - Day 12

Like I said in previous posts, I have been doing just about everything kilted and definitely have been wearing my kilt each and every day and today was no exception. I've been posting pics of myself kilted each day too. The only exception so far was yesterday and I decided to forgo the Kilted To Kick Cancer efforts in favor of dedicating my day to the memory of 9/11/2001 and 09/11/2012.

Big umbrella or not, I still got kind of soaked when
out for a walk with the two bigger dogs this afternoon.

Here is my latest Kilted To Kick Cancer pic, day 12, with a kilted me out walking the two bigger dogs of our five dogs (or of the seven total dogs I am stuck with while the wife and daughter are away). Our three and our daughter's two Chihuahuas have not been out for a walk since the wife left, they get to run around the yard for most of their exercise but tomorrow I am taking them out. I can't wait - the two big ones were excellent while walking but 5 high strung Chihuahuas - heaven help me!

If you would like to donate to the fight against prostate cancer, please do so through Kilted to Kick Cancer at this link and I would hope that you select Team Glenn B as the team through which you want to donate:

All the best,
Glenn B

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