Saturday, February 7, 2015

Catholic League Slams Obama Over His Uninformed Crusades Remark

During his speech at the recent national prayer breakfast, the Barack Hussein Obama  the NIC (nincompoop in charge) had this to say about the crusades:

"Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Now while evil may have been done in the name of Christ during the Inquisitions (yes Mr. President that is plural because there were more than one of them, such as the Spanish Inquisition of 1478 and the Roman Inquisition [aka: Italian Inquisition] of 1542), the Crusades were of another ilk. They were, in fact, not evil committed in the name of Christ but were instead a response to the hundreds of years of evil persecutions of Christians that had been committed by Muslims, in the name of Islam.

The goal of the Crusades was to end such persecution and to restore Christian access to Christian holy places in and near Jerusalem - access that had been denied to Christians (and access denied to Jews to Jewish holy places) by Muslims after Muslims conquered those lands in the name of Islam hundreds of years before the first Crusade. Here, Mr. President, is a little time line to help you and your leftist cronies figure it out:

More information about the Crusades can be found here:

It sickens me at just how easy it is for an apologist and tyrant like Barack Hussein Obama to overlook history in an attack he makes on religion while at the National Prayer Breakfast. It also angers me how much he seems to be in sympathy with recent acts of barbarism carried out by Islamic Terrorists! 

A hat tip to my friend Kevin B for the Crusades chart above.

All the best,
Glenn B

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