Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Autumn Is Upon Us...

...and what better way to celebrate its commencement than with a song by the Grateful Dead. No it's not a song about the fall (but in a way is about a fall); yet, I think you will see the connection in the name of the song. Anyway, the Dead were best seen at concerts in the crisp air of autumn while the leaves slowly dissolved their chlorophyll on their trip from a vibrant green to a more mellow and colorful state, at least in my opinion. So without further ado, here is Rosalie McFall by the Grateful Dead, who gave the best partying concerts in history!

Well, sorry but one further bit of ado, the name of the song, as first seen on a Grateful Dead album cover was Rosalie McFall and not Rosalee McFall nor Rosa Lee McFall as seen on the covers of albums of some other singers or in the lyrics as they appear online.

All the best,
Glenn B


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