Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Another Quick Look At Some Family History

As I wrote, in an earlier post, I recently fund documentation about my grandfather Robert Oppel who was awarded a medal of valor for saving a child's life by diving into the east river to save the drowning boy. That was back in the early 1940's when Fiorello La Guardia was mayor of NYC. Tonight, I found one more piece of ephemera related to that event - a newspaper clipping showing a picture of the awards ceremony. Grandpa Oppel is the last guy in the line, the one in the suit and tie.

Now I don't know what paper that was in but I figured I'd show you both sides of the coin - or of the story - so to speak and also scanned in what was on the other side of the clipping. Remember, we were at war at the time and also remember that for the most part - we were a nation united. What a difference from todays USA wherein diversity, instead of unity, is the battle cry of about half of our citizens.

Just imagine how the leftist would whine and moan and groan if ads like that appeared in our newspapers (or online) trying us to support our country's economy during wartime and just prior to both Jewish and Christian holy/holidays.

All the best,
Glenn B 

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