Saturday, May 4, 2013

So What Are The Chances Me Or One of My Classmates Will Be Arrested Tomorrow...

... or at least searched and detained for questioning, as we head toward the Mitchell Athletic Complex to go to the Nassau County Rifle & Pistol Range (which is immediately adjacent or maybe even in that complex) with pistols, shotguns, rifles and ammo, to attend the last day of our armed security guard training? Normally, I would not even think about such a possibility. Tomorrow though will be a different kind of day with the Long Island Marathon being run, parking for it in all the lots around the range (and probably some arsehats parking in the range's spots) and the starting point for the Marathon being very close to the range. Security is going to be "heightened" and you can bet it probably will be extreme in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings. According to one news report I read:

“You can expect to be challenged,” Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano said. “If you’re going into any of the designated areas there’s a security check point before you go in, every bag will be searched.” (source)

I can't wait. The only good thing we have going for us is that the class was supposed to begin at 0800 but has been pushed back to 1100 because of the race and all of the security. Somehow though, I get the feeling there will still be a good amount of security in that area, at that time, because a lot of the runners' cars will be parked close by since the range is so close to the starting line.

I guess that tomorrow, before leaving the house, I had best make sure none of my pistol magazines are accidentally loaded with more than seven rounds, that I have my wallet and that it contains my pistol license, that I leave my AK-47 at home and all that kind of hooey because I sure don't want to be given the treatment by some overzealous officer who thinks he has stumbled on NY's version of MA's TERRORISTA#1 if they search my car and find a few pistols and a shotgun in it. Of course, I will also bring along my good manners so, that if stopped, I would only speak to the officers with what could be seen as courtesy and respect and I would hope they would do likewise to me.

I am hoping for a good day at the range and nothing more. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

All the best,
Glenn B

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