Saturday, June 30, 2012

Janet Napoplitano Ought To Be Fired Over This One...

...then again, I cannot imagine how that pompous yet useless arsehat was appointed as Secretary of Homeland Security in the first place. This article though should only go to show how incompetent is she at the helm. When law enforcement, within her agency, is instructed to run and or hide if someone starts shooting and to throw things at the shooter as a last resort, well you just know something is out of wack. Man, am I happy I am retired from DHS, I might have gone ballistic (figuratively) had they given me those instructions. Not all the blame is hers though, this is FEMA created and mandated training program. She just let it get distributed among her department and seemingly had some flunky mandate that all LEOs in DHS were so trained. What a sorry assed state of affairs, no wonder morale at DHS is so darned low.
All the best,
Glenn B

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