Thursday, March 24, 2011

Obama Supported The Revolution In Egypt...

...because he said, in essence, it was time for the oppressive government of Mubarak to be outed and for democracy to take over. He fully supported those who were revolting and demanded that Mubarak step down. He supported the takeover of power by those who took control of the government when Mubarak left the government. So what is one of the initial results of the Mubarak regime no longer being in power: Egypt Soldiers Tortured Female Protesters, Gave "Virginity Tests" Following Uprisings, Group Says.

Now try to bear in mind that the Egyptian Army, the one that the soldiers who are mentioned in the article serve, was on the side of the revolutionaries.

It is ever so nice to see that we now have a better, more peaceful, more humanitarian, pro-populace, law abiding, ethical, and moral government running Egypt. It is so nice I want to puke at the thought that, if these allegations are true then our nation's influence is in part responsible for this situation. If you are wondering who is in charge in Egypt, it is the army. They took over when Mubarak stepped down.

One can only wonder how it will turn out in Libya.

All the best,
Glenn B

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