Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Purim - Hope You Enjoyed the Hamantaschen

To my Jewish friends and to those of said faith who read my blog, Happy Purim.

There are not many Jewish holidays, of which I am aware, that celebrate the feats of a Jewish woman, but this is one of them. It celebrates Queen Esther saving the Jews from the wrath of Xerxes I (her husband) that had been stirred by Haman (his lackey and an anti-Semite). When she revealed to her husband that she was Jewish she saved the Jews from meeting their end at his hand.

I wish I had realized Purim was upon us on Friday. I would have headed to Williamsburg, NY, to a good Jewish bakery and picked up some Hamantaschen. They are delicious. My wife likes them best with raspberry filling which is not a traditional filling used by Jews, though that filling is sometimes used it is usually when you find them in German or other secular European style bakeries. I like them with raspberry filling but traditional ones are just as good if not better. If I remember tomorrow, I will have to stop by Williamsburg and go to a kosher bakery to see if they still have fresh ones and pick up a dozen.

All the best,
Glenn B

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