Sunday, August 8, 2010

You Have Got To Love Be Wary Of Modern Technology

At least, when I point one of my guns somewhere, then pull the trigger, I can be fairly certain the bullet will go where I aimed it and there will not be an accident. That is because I use my brain to help me follow rules of firearms' safety. Thank goodness, unlike the motorcyclist in the video, I do not have to depend upon a technologically advanced electronic computerized super-duper heads up my ass display instead of using common sense and making sure I do it safely. As for motorcycle riding, nah, not for me with or without the computerized display and even though I still would have been smart enough to look both ways before darting out onto a roadway. Of course, this video could be theatrical in nature and not show a real life event at all, but my point is still valid: Be careful out there.

All the best,
Glenn B

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