Friday, July 2, 2010

Want To Help The Economy - Then Quit Your Job & Collect Unemployment Insurance

Now, while the title of this piece may seem far fetched to each and everyone of you who reads it it makes absolute sense as per things said in a recent speech made by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosis within recent days. Well that is dependent, of course, upon whether or not what Speaker Peolsi made any sense at all that, regarding unemployment insurance, it "...creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name". The quote is in context of the rest of her speech. So, why don't we all just quit our jobs and go on unemployment if she is right and why isn't the economy getting better and the number of jobs being filled actually going up as more and more people find themselves on unemployment lines. Could you imagine what would have been the outcry across the MudSlingingMedia and the leftist community had GWB said this!

Listen to the rest of what she had to say then decide for yourself about her statements and her intelligence. As for me, I think unemployment benefits are a good thing to help folks out, but also believe they should be limited in duration and that people should truly need to prove they have been actively seeking employment, of any legal type, in order to keep receiving them during their duration. As for Speaker Pelosi, she once again has shown herself to be, in my opinion, a blithering idiot. She is probably the most idiotic politician I have ever seen in my lifetime even though she has been getting some stiff competition from other politicians lately.

I have got to wonder, how on earth does she keep getting reelected!

All the best,
Glenn B

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