Thursday, December 17, 2009

Soldiers' Holiday Care Packages

Surprisingly, at least to me, there has not been one red cent donated to my efforts to raise money for a Soldiers' Holiday Care Package this year. That's okay, I am not complaining, just saying I am flabbergasted as to why that has happened. Last year and the year before, there were plentiful donations and I was able to put together some really nice packages for our troops. This year, I will still put together some really nice packages for our troops too, just without any financial help from anyone else. I'll start shopping in earnest tomorrow and try to get the package(s) out by Saturday. Yes, that will be later than in the last two years but I was sort of hoping for some help and holding out with that hope. No more though, no time for that, so a shopping I will go.

All the best,
Glenn B

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