Saturday, March 8, 2008

I Have Only One Choice...

...for whom to vote in the upcoming presidential elections as I see it. Look at the video that Rita at the JungleHut had imbedded in her blog:

If nothing else, John McCain will be a leader seeking to secure and strengthen our great nation for all Americans. Clinton or Obama will be little more than weak kneed wanna-be tyrants who want to tax the wealthier amongst us in order to elevate the poor economically, while at the same time deescalating the wealthier so the poor through the rich all arrive at a level of equality economically regardless of effort. Thus the only difference being that the middle class and the rich have worked for what they will have, and the utterly poor on welfare, and other low lives, who are unwilling to work will have gotten a free ride. That is not what freedom is all about, not what capitalism is about, not what America is about. It is what socialism and communism are about. I prefer a society in which one makes it as best he can based upon amenability to become a good citizen, willingness to fit in, willingness to start at the bottom and work your way up and so forth. I do not believe that anyone has an entitlement to what I have worked to establish you are entitled to what you have made for yourself - anything else is a handout. Not that handouts are not good or required in some instances, just that entitlements should jot be the driving force of a nation. Any nation that has tried likewise in the past has always failed miserably. I plan to help re-defeat communism and socialism in 2008 by voting McCain.

All the best,
Glenn B


Rita Loca said...

I thought this put McCain in the best light yet. He is growing on me...

Anonymous said...

Unique blog you have here. Given the name of your blog, it seems relevant to point out that neither McCain nor Obama are Boomers (although I take your comments here about McCain). As you may have seen, several top publications, including the NYTimes, Newsweek, and the Wall Street Journal, have all in recent weeks made the argument that Obama is specifically a member of Generation Jones (born 1954-1965, between the Boomers and Xers). While I hear what you're saying about McCain, my vote goes to Obama, partly because I'm part of GenJones as well, which causes me to relate to Obama in a different way.

Glenn B said...

Election Observer,

I think you maybe misunderstood the reason for the boomers in my blog's name. Has nothing to do with baby boomers, but boom sticks. As for my preference for McCain, that too has nothing to do with which generation in which any of the candidiates or myself were born, just with what they have to offer our country in way of service to it as president.

By the way, what in Hades is a 'generation Jones'? A Baby Boomer was born between 1946 and 1964, so if Obama falls in there he would be one of them. Here is a reference:

All the best,
Glenn B

Rita Loca said...

I hope he comes back to explain! I have no idea what a Gen Jones is...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"electionobserver" eh? Typically, Making a knowledgeable sounding statement about something he has totally no understanding of.
Gotta know he'd be voting for Obama.

MightyMom said...

good grief, where did you dig up those readers dearie??

yikes, my MIL said she wouldn't vote for Bush....she couldn't trust him cause his eyes were too close together (I poop you not).

This electionobserver reminds me of her and ANOTHER pickup line?? You must have one hot blog babe.