Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Schoolhouse Cowards make me sick...

...so much so that I make them an offer. If any of you big brave (sarcasm alert) shooter types wants to shoot up little defenseless schoolgirls and execute them, or do so to other schoolkids, to prove your manhood (sarcasm alert) or whatever, why not get in touch with me first for a little get together (no sarcasm here at all). I would be more than glad to meet you to allow you to try and show your courage (sarcasm alert) against me instread of in the face of defenseless shcool children. I am sick of your kind, of your actions, of the puny, slimy, creeping, hideous brand of cowardice that makes you seek out defenseless kids to murder.

The executions of those helpless little girls in Amish Country today has got my blood boiling, and as Kim du Toit would say, a RCB (red curtain of blood) has fallen across my field of vision, this because when I think of the events that unfolded today I am figuratively just that angry as to see red. If you are unaware of what I speak, please go to

My heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of those who were killed or injured today by this monster who is, thanfully, no longer among us. He was, in my opinion, such a coward he was not even brave enough to allow the police the honor of dispatching him, he killed himself. My heartfelt thoughts and prayers even go out to his family and loved ones; I am sure he did them almost as big of an injustice as he did to the familes of those he shot.

With sadness,
Glenn B

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