Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Let's Broadcast To All Terrorists That...

 ...federal Air Marshals in the USA ate not protecting our traveling public but instead have been reassigned to our southern border to essentially act as a welcoming committee for illegal aliens (more at the source)!  Heck, it seems they are down on the border and maybe are unknowingly facilitating the passage of terrorists, who crossed the border illegally, into our cities and rural heartlands and thus helping them in their potential jihad against the USA.
Pardon the words I am about to write but what the fuck is going on in the minds of the assholes who make up the Biden administration! Really folks, me describing them as assholes is me both truthful and me being nice because they should be called a lot worse. I spent the entire 32 years of my career in federal law enforcement protecting our borders in one way or another and that in each agency by which I was employed but this current crop of totally mindless woke zombies that make up the Biden administration have not only opened our borders to an invasion of illegal aliens but now have, in sum & substance, told the world they have also left our commercial flights open to be attacked with no chance of such an attack being thwarted by our Air Marshals. The blithering idiot in charge, yes that would be Biden, and his incompetent minion are dead set to destroy this nation in any way possible or so it seems. They have done it again with this totally unbelievable deployment of our Air Marshals and then again with announcing that move to the world at large and thus to our enemies. Amazingly, despite fuck up after fuck up by Biden and the clowns in his administration - the idiots who voted Biden into office are ready and willing to do it again. 
FJB!!! More importantly keep your head on a swivel, go armed when you legally can do so, and stay safe.
All te best,
Glenn B

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