Sunday, April 16, 2023

If I Lived In A Chaotic City Like Chicago...

 ...or Portland (OR), Seattle, Los Angeles, San Fransicko Francisco, New York, Philadelphia or many others, I am of the opinion that would arm myself whether or not it was legal for me to do so. I say that because of violence like that reported on in this linked article and because I value my life and the lives of other innocent folks who wind up being victims because they could not defend themselves successfully against such barbarians. If the law was to say I cannot arm myself to defend myself or others from such violent scum, I would strongly consider violating that law. When these thugs are attacking you and you are in fear of death or serious bodily injury,I am of the belief that you should be ready, willing and ABLE to fight back. Sure, it would be better to avoid conflict but when it is all around you and attacking you - then you should fight back as I see it. Stopping them is the goal but if you kill one or more of them while trying to stop them in order to protect yourself & other innocents - from serious bodily harm or death - tough noogies for them. What they need, it seems to me, is instant justice by way of armed self-defense meted out by the attacked victim(s). I am not condoning illegal behavior, just considering I might do it if I lived in places like those mentioned and am most assuredly supporting the concept of a natural right, that of self defense in order for the targets of such attacks to remain alive, hale and injury free.
By the way, look at the video & photos in the article. Were they purposefully chosen to be included because for the most part they show the sides & backs of the rioters, very few are seen from the front. Really, do it, look at those photos & the video carefully. How many different racial groups of apparent troublemakers do you see in them? I see 4 or 5 individuals (other than law enforcement), who are evidently walking in the opposite direction of the mob who seemingly are not of the same race or ethnicity as all (or at least the great majority) of the rioters. I am not being racist, I am stating a fact as I see it. It kind of, sort of really dismays me that there is not a clear picture of the group from an angle that would allow the viewer to see the faces of most of them and I wonder if that was purposeful on the part of the main stream mud slinging media. My bet would be: Yes, it was just that - done purposefully.
All the best,
Glenn B


danielbarger said...

You can arm yourself if you wish regardless of legality. But if you use that tool to actually defend your life from mobs like this your life as you know it is over....forever. The criminals in power will DESTROY anyone who has the gall to defend themselves from the lefts pet thugs who they are ALLOWING to run rampant. This the very definition of anarchotyranny.
Where the criminals in power aid the violent thugs running rampant and use the rule of law to protect those thugs from anyone who would oppose them. NONE OF THIS IS ACCIDENTAL.

riverrider said...

if i lived in those places i'd move. i don't know what holds people there these days. otherwise, the law be damned, i'd carry as i have since i was a kid. just because a bunch of fools vote in a law doesn't make it legal. the constitution itself requires that we disobey any laws passed that are "repugnant to the principles herein." or something close to that, memory fades. anyway, the first rule of survival is survive, whatever it takes....and yeah, real tired of being called racist for noticing the melatin content of the crims.