Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Tsunami - A Video Link

Tonight, my brother-in-law sent me a link to a video about the Tsunami that hit Japan. I saw some stuff on the news over the days after it happened but never saw anything like this footage. It is several minutes long but I think it is worth the watch.

The power of nature to cause devastation that it shows is truly awesome. It depicts what surely must have been actual loss of life though you do not see anyone actually die because you see it from a bird's eye view but you just know some of the people seen are doomed. They are in cars and trucks and they say one guy is running from it (but it actually looks to me as if he is on a motorcycle he is moving so fast). I am just letting you know so you can choose to watch or not. here is the link:


Sorry but there was no way to embed it.

Why am I posting this at this late date. It is never to late to wake up and be prepared. How can you prepare for this? have a plan to evacuate. Have grab and go supplies. If you are ever in any area where they even hint that a Tsunami may be on its way toward you, all I can say is do yourself a favor and get to high ground if you have the time. If not, well - as for me - I would get to the top of the highest point I could reach and hope for the best.

Mind you the point is not to just be prepared for a Tsunami, be ready for whatever can happen. If you do survive the initial onset of any such disaster be it a Tsunami, a hurricane, a volcanic eruption, an earthquake, a forest fire, civil unrest - whatever - you will be much better off if you have a plan and some supplies to get you through the next few to several days.

All the best,
Glenn B

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